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On to the next chapter!

Since no major bug has been reported, we can successfully say that episode 0.14 has been delivered, which means... On to the next chapter!

In the next update, we will continue two stories for which we have been paving the way for their development.

And guess who is finally getting an update? That's right, our long requested Chloe! In our last update, we established that our busty friend has some issues when she sees the MC with another girl, but why is that? Well, it's about time we all found out.

The second story will be focused on... you know what? We will leave that revelation for another post later, but since the date of the next release is just before Valentine's Day, it's about time our MC does something about that old relationship he messed up.

Thank you very much to all the players who follow each chapter we release of our game, and above all, to all the Patreons who make it possible for us to continue developing this game for all of you.

Thank you so much!

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